Enhance Salesforce.com

Yes, we know…Salesforce is not “broken”… but it does have 2 common issues that are present in virtually every client that has the system.

  1. Users don’t like it’s reporting capabilities, it is too complicated and not so user friendly.

  2. Leadership does not get the reports or insights they expect from it.

Obviously both of these things are interconnected…if you don’t like it you don’t use it and the “GIGO” principle takes over. 

We experienced this ourselves, so we decided to fix it and here’s how:

Working Report

We create an INsightX report in a Salesforce tab that is valuable to the person that is entering data.

INsightX Wizard

The report is viewed, records are editable with one click and a wizard guides the user through the update process.

Salesforce Records

The updated records are then written back to the Salesforce database in various areas immediately.


All reports are then updated and visible by those with specific access to each report.